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Celebrate Chattanooga 175 Years
The Historic St. Elmo M. B. Church
circa 1861
"I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence
cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord." Ps. 121
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1) "My Help" Intro, Kelly (00:32) 2) "Highest Praise", Johnson (02:18) 3) "Jesus Is Mine", Carriger (05:22)
4) "I Shall Wear A Crown", Gresham (09:30), 5) "My Help", Johnson (13:57), 6) Pastor Church "Pray For One Another" (19:13)
7) "Pray For Me", Gresham (21:54), 8) "Goin' Up Yonder", Gresham (23:01)
The Historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church
3702 West Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37410
"Serving God in the Chattanooga community for over 150 years, circa 1861"
For over 150 years, the historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church, located in Chattanooga, Tennessee has served the area of St. Elmo and Alton Park as a light of love and power. Still strong and built upon its firm foundation left by it ancestors, which is God's Word--the Bible, along with the love for serving others and presenting God's plan of salvation; the church is one of only two African-American churches that was built in the St. Elmo area in the 1860's. It is now the only African-American church that still remains from that period in the St. Elmo area. Originally, located on St. Elmo Avenue, parallel to Broad Street in St. Elmo, where its members also resided, the church is now located on West Avenue less than a mile away. Under the leadership of Pastor Billy Church, who has served the church for over 20 years, along with devoted deacons and congregational members, ministry is provided in the form of Bible teaching, praise and worship music, liturgical dance, Brother and Sister Keepers and various other ministries for families, missionaries, fellow churches, charities and the Chattanooga community at large.
Click here for St. Elmo's rich history.
Click here for St. Elmo's Facebook page.
In The News
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What Folks Are Saying
From: "Billy&Sharron Church"
To: sistersinbusiness@comcast.net
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:35:45 AM
Subject: Re: UPCOMING EVENT! Chattanooga Celebrates 175th Anniversary with Historic St. Elmo M. B. Church Special Tribute
Tekelia this is wonderful! You did a great job. thank you so much! We love you!!!!!!! Pastor & Sister Church
Barbara Shepherc, MTSU Alum
What a beautiful and innovative online tribute Tekelia!
Thank you so much Barbara Shepherd for your cherished post! Praising God for this lovely project! It's an online praise party and homecoming for St. Elmoians on Facebook! :>) St. Elmo is my childhood/family church, plus my landing pad through college, career, family, etc..so I have always been, and will always be a member. I call myself an"Original Lifetime Heritage Member" LOL!! I am so rejoicing and praising God for Pastor Church's over 20 years at St. Elmo and St. Elmo serving the Chattanooga community for over 150 years, circa 1861! That is just amazing. God is so good and faithful! Yes, it's an online praise party going on at www.celebratechattanooga.com, Chattanooga's "Celebration Station"--with Johnetta singing "Highest Praise" and "My Help", Lyndon singing "Jesus Is Mine", Mr. Roland Gresham making the guitar testify with his outstanding gospel jazz guitar playing "I Shall Wear A Crown", "Pray For Me" and "Goin' Up Yonder", the amazing and anointed Historic St. Elmo M. B. Choir, and Pastor' Church's empowering and encouraging words about God our Helper, the power of prayer and the importance of our praying for one another. Oh, yeah, it's classic praise and worship ...and all online at www.celebratechattanooga.com! So cool! Also, thanking God for Momma, Granny, Big Momma, Daddy--all those Saints who prayed us through to this day--who prayed up and trained up a child in the way he/she should go. I'm a witness it works! I love you! God bless you, dear sisterfriend!
Celebrate Chattanooga 175 Years "Because of you it's really been nice."
Celebrating Chattanooga, Tennessee's Historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church, circa 1861! Out of Chattanooga's 175 years St. Elmo has been here 153 of them. That's God awesome amazing! Join us tomorrow ONLINE at www.celebratechattanooga.com for our Special Tribute program featuring The Historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church--my childhood and adulthood church. My momma's church and I'm an original, lifetime heritage member. LOL! Thank God for ancestors who prayed up and trained up a child in the way he should go. I'm a witness it works. #cha175
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Dorothy Burgess, Felicia Montgomery and ShaRae Moore like this.
Felicia Montgomery Love It!!! Now all I need is to see a picture of baptism at the creek and those JB Singers. 😀
November 14 at 6:05pm · Unlike · 1
Tekelia Kelly LOL!! YESSS! So glad you're enjoying...me, too! Good to chat with you!
November 14 at 6:06pm · Like
Felicia Montgomery Same here!!! Don't forget about those famous ushers. 😀
November 14 at 6:07pm · Unlike · 1
Tekelia Kelly Right....Sunday's right around for authentic homecoming of it all! :>)
November 14 at 6:07pm · Like
Tekelia Kelly Sunday's right around the corner...for authentic St. Elmo experience!
November 14 at 6:08pm · Like
Felicia Montgomery Absolutely! No one does it like St. Elmo!!!😀
November 14 at 6:09pm · Unlike · 1
Tekelia Kelly Amen!!!
November 14 at 6:09pm · Like
Felicia Montgomery 😀
November 14 at 6:11pm · Unlike · 1
Thanks, Chattanoogan, for the great press!
Chattanooga Celebrates 175 Years With Historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church Special...
Celebrate Chattanooga, "Chattanooga's Celebration Station" hosted by Tekelia Kelly, will present its...
Frank Smith Sr likes this.
48 people reached
Debbie Antoinette Kelly, Felicia Montgomery and 2 others like this.
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Felicia Montgomery Yes, the historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church!!!
November 14 at 10:29am · Like
Dorothea Johnson So glad we both are apart of St. Elmo Felicia Montgomery!
November 14 at 4:49pm · Like
Dorothea Johnson St. Elmo baptist is a church I love and cherish.
November 14 at 4:50pm · Like · 1
Felicia Montgomery Absolutely!! Trying to make my home again Dorothea Johnson. 😀
November 14 at 4:50pm · Like
Dorothea Johnson Yay! God is good. Love you and your family!
November 16 at 9:42pm · Like
"Happy 175th Anniversary, Chattanooga! Welcome to the 175th Anniversary and Grand Opening celebration of the Celebrate Chattanooga website, and debut of new song "It's Really Been Nice" (aka Chattanooga ChooChoo Me Home) commemorating the city! NOW OPEN at www.celebratechattanooga.com.
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Chee Chee Lazenby Brown, Cynthia Thomas and 2 others like this.
Annie P Sanders Got msg to late for train trip!!! So SORRY!! Would love to have gone!!
November 8 at 12:26pm · Like
Celebrate Chattanooga 175 Years "Because of you it's really been nice." Hi, Ms. Pearl, Than you so much for your response! This is an ONLY ONLINE event, so, you can just click the www.celebratechattanooga.com link and it will automatically take you to the website (Celebration Station). :>) I love you! And thank you so much for your help on this project. Look forward to presenting The Historic St. Elmo M. B. Church Nov. 15 at www.Celebrate Chattanooga.com!
Dorothea Johnson, Carlos Crutcher, Annie P Sanders and 6 others like this.
Rubye Wilson I'm just amazed and blessed to be a St Elmo born and raised.
November 15 at 2:32pm · Unlike · 1
Tekelia Kelly Rubye, me, too! :>) Celebrating and rejoicing! Can see (and hear) more classic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church at www.celebratechattanooga.com! Love you!
Tekelia Kelly's photo.
November 15 at 2:52pm · Like · 1
Annie P Sanders I finely got a chance to view most of your presentation !! Wonderful!! I cannot pull it up on my phone!! Great job Tekelia !!!
November 15 at 11:12pm · Unlike · 1
Tekelia Kelly Great! love you, Mrs. Pearl! Thank you for your help!
November 16 at 7:04pm · Like
Annie P Sanders You're welcome !! This is just the beginning !! You just scratched the surface of the rich legacy in our congregation of which I became apart of the 2nd Sunday in November 1952 under the dynamic leadership of the late Ed Angel... God Bless our leaders !!
November 16 at 7:19pm · Like
Dorothea Johnson I saw it. Kelia you are amazing! Rubie told all the members yesterday at church. We are truly blessed to have you spot lighting our church. Love you sis! As always, well done!
November 17 at 6:56pm · Like
Tekelia Kelly Awww...thank you so much, and Rubie, too! The blessing was truly mine to do! What a beautiful church, and so blessed to be about God's business for over 150 years! Thank you, Dorothea Johnson for all your service to the church! My triple threat sister--in Christ, In Birth, and in Business www.innerglowskincare.com. I love you so much!
Marc De Juan
July 13, 2014 at 5:38pm
Was at St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church! Celebrating a 153 years of service to the community! GOD is Good!
Marc De Juan
October 6, 2013 at 12:30pm
Have a Blessed day, Familia @ #SEBC! #GodBless
Ellwanda White
Awesome man of God
Send us a shout-out here! On Facebook it can also appear!
Pastor Billy Church
Serving, preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 20 years
at St. Elmo M. B. Church and in the Chattanooga community.
Billy Dee
Roland Gresham
Guitarist, "I Shall Wear A Crown",
"Goin Up A Yonder", "Pray For Me"
Tekelia Kelly
"Celebrating life through song and story"
Original Heritage Lifetime Member
St. Elmo M. B. Church Choir
St. Elmo's Historic Choirs
In loving memory of Mr. James Bond and Other Beloved Choir & Church Members
Celebrate Chattanooga Thanks St. Elmo M. B. Church
Celebrate Chattanooga gives special recognition and appreciation to the Historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church: Pastor Billy and First Lady Sharron Church, Minister of Music Lyndon Carriger, Choir Director Dorothea Johnson and St. Elmo's choir and congregation. It was a blessing to honor you as part of Celebrate Chattanooga's 175 Year Special Tribute Program in Nov. 2014. A special thank you is also given to original members and historians Ms. Maelene Crutcher, Ms. Betty Jo Harris and Ms. Pearl Sanders, for their information about church ancestry; Ms. Doris Kelly, life-time St. Elmo resident for over 97 years, for her insight; and church photographer Mrs. Wanda Threat and supporter Mr. Mack Kelly for their big help. This program is dedicated to St. Elmo church members, who for over 150 years have served the Chattanooga community with God's Word and His love. To God be the glory!
Maelene Crutcher
Doris Kelly
Bettye Jo Harris
Wanda Threat
Pearl Sanders
St. Elmo 1905
St. Elmo 1970's (?)
St. Elmo 1995
St. Elmo 2014
How To Accept Jesus As Your Savior
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 For help or more information please click here.
CelebrateChattanooga.com 175 Years Special Tribute
Dorothea Johnetta Johnson
Soloist, Choir Director, "Praise" Singer
The Historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church Choir, Chattanooga, TN
Billy Church, Pastor
Lyndon Carriger, Musician
"My Help", written by Jackie Gouche
About St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church
3702 West Avenue, Chattanooga, Tn
For over 150 years, the historic St. Elmo Missionary Baptist Church, located in Chattanooga, Tennessee has served the area of St. Elmo and Alton Park as a light of love and power. Still strong and built upon its firm foundation left by it ancestors-- God's Word--the Bible and the love for serving others, presenting God's plan of salvation, the church is one of only two African-American churches that existed in the St. Elmo area back in the 1860's. It is now the only African-American church still standing from that period in the St. Elmo area. Originally, located on St. Elmo Avenue parallel to Broad Street in St. Elmo, where its members also resided, the church is now located on West Avenue less than a mile away. The church, Pastor Billy Church, deacons and congregation members minister to the city of Chattanooga through Bible teaching, music ministry of praise and worship, dance ministry, Brother and Sister Keepers and various other ministriesfor families, missionaries, fellow church organizations and the community at large.
Click here for St. Elmo's rich history.
Click here for St. Elmo's Facebook page.
By Julie Ackerman Link
Our Daily Bread
Read: Ephesians 2:10-22
We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. —Ephesians 2:10
Bible in a Year:
Jeremiah 24-26; Titus 2
For 3 weeks every fall season, our city becomes an art gallery. Nearly 2,000 artists from around the world display their creations in galleries, museums, hotels, parks, city streets, parking lots, restaurants, churches, and even in the river.
Among my favorite entries are mosaics made from small pieces of colored glass. The winning entry in 2011 was a 9 x 13-foot stained-glass mosaic of the crucifixion by artist Mia Tavonatti. While viewing the artwork, I heard the artist discuss how many times she had cut herself while shaping the pieces of glass for her mosaic.
As I gazed at the beautiful rendition of what was a horrific event, I saw more than a representation of the crucifixion—I saw a picture of the church, the body of Christ. In each piece of glass I saw an individual believer, beautifully shaped by Christ to fit together into the whole (Eph. 2:16,21). In the artist’s story, I recognized the shedding of Jesus’ blood so that this unity could take place. And in the finished artwork, I saw the act of love required to complete the project despite pain and sacrifice.
We who believe in Christ are a work of art created by God to show the greatness of a Savior who makes something beautiful out of the broken pieces of our lives.
The church’s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord,
She is His new creation,
By water and the Word. —Stone
Christ gave everything to make something beautiful of His church.

History Is His Story
It's good to look back and reflect on the good ole days of our lives from time to time. It's good to tell and talk about our history in order to appreciate our past, enjoy the present and prepare for the furutre. Seeing how we made it thus far, replaying the journey in our minds of how we got from there to here can bring enlightening. Makes me wonder, if it had not been on the Lord on my side, where would I be?
When we share our history with others, it helps them and us to realize just how far we've come; and that through all of our living, with our ups and down, we're still here, still striving, still surviving. When we talk about our stories, do we realize there is a back story to each. It His Story-God's Story. His Story of love for us. Is the stuff grace, faith, and goodness are made of which is essential in anyone's life.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. History took own a whole new meaning when God's Story stepped into time. When His Story stepped into time, it gave us the wonderful opportunity to be reunited in fellowship and relationship with the Almighty God.
When His Story stepped into time, it enabled us to run to him personally and directly for help and anything we need. We can cast our cares upon Him, because He icares for us, and is intimately acquainted with us. We also were given the power to become the sons and daughters of God, be a royal priesthood, and inheritance of power, love and sound mind, and so many other great gifts.
When His Story stepped into time, we became permanently forgiven and free from sins, and was given the power to have life, and that more abundantly. We were given His Holy Spirit who would teach us and comfort us, and be a that very present help. When His Story stepped into time, we became transformed into a new creatures, like a worm changed into a beautiful butterfly, going from being weak and helpless to strong and victorious; even giving beauty for ashes.
When His Story stepped into time, the joy of the Lord became our strength and we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. And now we can have the confidence and boldness to boast in the Lord, for we know He will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory, and that all things work together for good to them who love the Lord and who are the called according to His purpose. Where would I be if the Lord had not been on my side. I don't know...and don't even want to think about it.
But because He is on my side, and I'm on His side, I rejoice! When His Story stepped into time, it changed history for good, and forever. His story is the greatest story in history ever told. Though we cannot see the future, or know what tomorrow holds, we can be be certain that God is faithful, true, and very much in control. The God who made heaven and earth is a very present help; and He never sleeps, nor slumbers.
Oh, Chattanooga, what a wonderful position we are in...surrounded by beautiful mountains and hills. Out of our ashes we have literally been given beauty. May we look to the hills from whence cometh our help--for our help cometh from the Lord.
Happy 175 Years of History, Chattanooga!
God bless you! --Tekelia C. Kelly

It took singer/songwriter and worship leader Jackie Gouche ten minutes to pen a song inspired by Psalms 121. The song would be featured on the debut project of Purpose, Pastor Beverly Bam Crawford’s church choir. But that was just the beginning. The song would become a staple for Pastor Donnie McClurkin as he sang it during his many concerts in additon to being recorded by Ron Winans and CeCe Winans for his Family and Friends series and by Carol Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Today, My Help is a classic and is sung in churches across America and around the globe.
As for Jackie Gouche, you can find her doing what she does best leading worship at Bible Enrichment Fellowship Church International each week. Gouche has authored two books; one being her autobiography and the other a book on true worship. Convinced that God is not through with her yet, Gouche is preparing for the release of her solo CD Big God, Little Me.
Psalm 121
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
3He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
7The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
8The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
King James BibleText courtesy of BibleProtector.comSection Headings Courtesy INT Bible© 2012, Used by PermissionBible Hub
The Power Of Music
By Bill Crowde
Our Daily Bread, February 10, 2014
Read: Psalm 59:6-16
I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. —Psalm 59:16
Bible in a Year:Leviticus 8-10; Matthew 25:31-46
In Wales, the music of men’s chorus groups is deeply engrained in the culture. Prior to World War II, one Welsh glee club had a friendly yet competitive rivalry with a German glee club, but that bond was replaced with animosity during and after the war. The tension was gradually overcome, though, by the message on the trophy shared by the two choruses: “Speak with me, and you’re my friend. Sing with me, and you’re my brother.”
The power of music to heal and help is a gift from God that comforts many. Perhaps that is why the Psalms speak so deeply to us. There we find lyrics that connect with our hearts, allowing us to speak to God from the depth of our spirits. “But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble” (Ps. 59:16). Amazingly, David wrote this song as he was being hunted down by men seeking to kill him! Despite his circumstances, David remembered God’s power and mercy, and singing of them encouraged him to go on.
May our God give us a song today that will remind us of His goodness and greatness, no matter what we may face.
This is my story, this is my song,Praising my Savior all the day long;This is my story, this is my song,Praising my Savior all the day long. —Crosby
“I will make music to the Lord, the God of Israel.” —Judges 5:3 (nlt)
David did not immediately assume the throne after Samuel the prophet anointed him king of Israel. In fact, despite the promise of God, David had to run for his life. Today’s psalm was written by David while he was fleeing from his predecessor Saul. Here, David describes the actions of evil men (vv.6-7) but expresses confidence in the sovereignty of God (vv.8-10).
All Together
By Dennis Fisher
Read: Psalm 98:1-9
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises. —Psalm 98:4
Bible in a Year:
Jeremiah 9-11; 1 Timothy 6
For years my wife’s piano and my banjo had an uncomfortable and infrequent relationship. Then, after Janet bought me a new guitar for my birthday, she expressed an interest in learning to play my old guitar. She is a very capable musician, and soon we were, together, playing songs of praise on our guitars. I like to think that a new kind of “praise connection” has filled our home.
When the psalmist was inspired to write of worshiping God, he began with this exhortation: “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises” (Ps. 98:4). He called for us to “sing to the Lord” with instruments such as harps and trumpets and horns (vv.5-6). He commanded all of the earth to “shout joyfully to the Lord” (v.4). In this mighty orchestration of praise, the rolling sea is to roar with exaltation, the rivers are to clap their hands, and the hills are to sing out in joy. All the human race and creation are together called to praise the Lord in “a new song” of praise, “for He has done marvelous things” (v.1).
Today let your heart connect with others and God’s creation in singing songs of praise to the mighty Creator and Redeemer.
Let us celebrate together,
Lift our voice in one accord,
Singing of God’s grace and mercy
And the goodness of the Lord. —Sper
God can use ordinary instruments to produce a concert of praise.
Music And Megaphone
By David C. McCasland
Read: 2 Corinthians 3:17-4:7
We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. —2 Corinthians 4:7
Bible in a Year:
Jeremiah 20-21; 2 Timothy 4
Christopher Locke buys old trumpets, trombones, and French horns and transforms them into acoustic amplifiers for iPhones and iPads. His creations are modeled on the trumpetlike speakers used in the first phonographs during the late 1800s. Music played through Christopher’s AnalogTelePhonographers has a “louder, cleaner, richer, deeper sound” than what is heard from the small speakers in the digital devices. Along with being interesting works of art, these salvaged brass instruments require no electrical power as they amplify the music people love to hear.
Paul’s words to the followers of Jesus in Corinth remind us today that in living for Christ and sharing Him with others, we are not the music but only a megaphone. “For we do not preach ourselves,” Paul wrote, “but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Cor. 4:5). Our purpose is not to become the message, but to convey it through our lives and our lips. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (v.7).
If an old horn can amplify music, then perhaps our flawed lives can magnify the goodness of God. We’re the megaphone; the music and the power come from Him!
Thank You, Lord, that You can take our lives
and use them in ways we never thought
possible. Help us to be the instruments
that convey the music of Your love.
Nothing is unusable in God’s hands.