"Celebrate Chattanooga...Because of YOU, Father God, it's really been nice!"

TN Arts Commission Teaching Artist and BMI singer/songwriter/recording artist Tekelia Kelly with Sounds of Memphis Studios Bill Lucchesi in Memphis, TN in the 1980's
"...a project manager with a beautiful voice."
Mayor Bob Corker
City of Chattanooga
Let Me Be Singing
By David C. McCasland
Our Daily Bread, September 6, 2014
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Read: Psalm 150
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. —Psalm 150:6
Bible in a Year:
Psalms 148-150; 1 Corinthians 15:29-58
When I asked a friend how his mother was getting along, he told me that dementia had robbed her of the ability to remember a great many names and events from the past. “Even so,” he added, “she can still sit down at the piano and, without sheet music, beautifully play hymns by memory.”
Plato and Aristotle wrote about the helping, healing power of music 2,500 years ago. But centuries before that, the biblical record was saturated with song.
From the first mention of Jubal, “the father of all those who play the harp and flute” (Gen. 4:21), to those who “sing the song of Moses, the servant of God and the song of the Lamb” (Rev. 15:3), the pages of the Bible resonate with music. The Psalms, often called “the Bible’s songbook,” point us to the love and faithfulness of God. They conclude with an unending call to worship, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” (Ps. 150:6).
Today we need God’s ministry of music in our hearts as much as any time in history. Whatever each day brings, may the evening find us singing, “To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy” (59:17).
Lord, I don’t know what will come this day or
farther into the future, but I’m grateful that You’re
by my side. Grant me a spirit of praise and
thanksgiving in whatever lies ahead.
Praise to God comes naturally when you count your blessings.
The last five songs of Israel’s hymnbook are also known as Hallelujah Psalms, because each of them (Psalms 146–150) begins and ends with the refrain “Praise the Lord” (Hebrew Hallelujah). Psalm 150 answers three important questions: Who should praise God? (vv.1,6). Why should God be praised? (v.2). How is He to be praised? (vv.3-5). The psalmist calls on “everything that has breath” to worship God (v.6)—including creatures on earth and angels in the heavens (v.1). We should praise God for what He has done (“His mighty acts” v.2) and for who He is (“His excellent greatness” v.2). We are to praise Him with our voices, with the accompaniment of all kinds of instruments, and with dancing (vv.3-6). “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (v.6) is indeed a fitting final doxology to God.
About Song
After two years in the making, Celebrate Chattanooga has come into frution. Praise God!!! Celebrate Chattanooga is a history project dedicated to capturing and sharing the stories and glories of Chattanooga and its people. Site host Tekelia Kelly believes that when people share their story as a celebration and sincere appreciation of life , they not only share their history, but also tell His story--God's love for them. (John 3:16) (Rev. 12:11) The song "It's Really Been Nice Chattanooga ChooChoo Me Home" is a about such a story.
The classic-sounding 1940's style tune is about Tekelia's journey back home to Chattanooga, after living in Memphis, Tennessee for seventeen years. Tekelia's love for God permeates her enjoyment of classic jazz and passion for American history, circa 1930s, 40s and 50s, resulting in the song. The song was written in praise and worship to God, Tekelia's Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The "you" in the lyrics is ultimately God. In reference to how God showed her that even when life plans get changed, Tekelia wrote: "Life has a way of changing things that we do. But that's okay as long as I still have You! So, here's a song, I sing it all the day because of You (God), it's really been nice". In other words, all things work together for good to them who love the Lord and who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).
Having relocated back home, the song goes on to tell about how Tekelia appreciates the pleasures of living in a city so rich in natural beauty, and with "so many wonderful attractions and fund things to do, and plenty of opportunity just waiting for you...Chattanooga...live, work, learn and play here!" live, work great things to do".
"Celebrating life through song and story", Tekelia debuts "It's Really Been Nice (aka Chattanooga ChooChoo Me Home) on her new website www.Celebrate Chattanooga.com. In light of City of Chattanooga's 175th Anniversary, Tekelia designed the site to spotlight the city, its anniversary, and provide a platform for Chattanoogas to connect, communicate and engage, particularly during the week-long anniversary celebration. The site also was designed to spotlight the wonderful people, places, pleasures and projects and products of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
People are invited to share their stories, news, events...anything nice, and include links to audio, video, images and other media. Stories may be spotlighted on Celebrate Chattanooga's website, Facebook page and/or online newsletters and print publications.
Is Somebody Singing?
By Julie Ackerman Link,
Our Daily Bread, August 17, 2014
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Read: John 17:20-26
[Bear] with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. —Ephesians 4:2-3
Bible in a Year:
Psalms 97-99; Romans 16
From 200 miles above Earth, Chris Hadfield, Canadian astronaut and commander of the International Space Station, joined in song with a group of students in a studio on Earth. Together they performed “Is Somebody Singing,” co-written by Hadfield and Ed Robertson.
One phrase of the song caught my attention: “You can’t make out borders from up here.” Although we humans draw many lines to separate ourselves from one another—national, ethnic, ideological—the song reminded me that God doesn’t see such distinctions. The important thing to God is that we love Him and each other (Mark 12:30-31).
Like a loving father, God wants His family united. We cannot accomplish what God has for us to do if we refuse to be reconciled with one another. In His most impassioned prayer, on the night before He was crucified, Jesus pleaded with God to unite His followers: “That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us” (John 17:21).
Singing illustrates unity as we agree on the lyrics, chords, and rhythms. Singing can also promote unity as it binds us together in peace, proclaims God’s power through praise, and demonstrates God’s glory to the world.
O for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of His grace. —Wesley
Singing God’s praises will never go out of style.
Play Song
"It's Really Been Nice"
(aka Chattanooga ChooChoo Me Home)
by Tekelia Kelly
CHATTANOOGA'S NEW COMMEMORATIVE SONG "IT’S REALLY BEEN NICE (CHATTANOOGA CHOOCHOO ME HOME)" is written, performed and produced by Tekelia C. Kelly Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. For licensing and use information, please contact tekeliakelly@comcast.net.
Upcoming projects!
Music History CD, Video & eLearning
A train track through time on the Tennessee line, "Chattanooga ChooChoo Me Home" tracks the history-making journey of TN Arts Commission Teaching Artist Tekelia Kelly in and from Memphis back to her hometown Chattanooga; spotlighting the historical people, places, events, occasions and memorable experiences along the way. Material can also be used for learning about Memphis and Chattanooga history.
"Celebrating life through song and story", Tekelia Kelly's "It's Really Been Nice" song, aka "Chattanooga ChooChoo Home" offers music and lyrics as a backdrop to "show-and-tell" history in Memphis and how "it's really been nice". Includes pictures of history-making people like Rosa Parks and Daisy Bates, celebrity activists like Sybil Shepherd and Blair Underwood, and others in the music, entertainment and recording industry.
In addtion to celebrating Tekelia Kelly's homecoming, "It's Really Been Nice aka Chattanoga ChooChoo Me Home" commemorates the grand opening of CelebrateChattanooga.com and Chattanooga's 175th Anniversary, offically celebrated in 2014.
"It's Really Been Nice (Chattanooga Choo Me Home)" (SONG ONLY CD Instrumental, Lead Vocal, Background Vocals)
Chattanooga Choo Me Home" (CD SONG and SOUVENIR BOOKLET)
"Chattanooga Choo Me Home" (VIDEO)
"Chattanooga Choo Me Home" (AUDIO BOOK, SONG and SOUVENIR BOOKLET)
"Chattanooga Choo Me Home" (eLEARNING)
Verse 1
I never thought it would go like this but it’s really been nice
I had a plan it would go like that, but it still turned out nice
Life has a way of changing things that we do
But that’s okay as long as I still have You
So, here’s a song, I sing it all the day long
Because of You..it’s really been nice!
Verse 2
Now I can remember those days In Memphis--it really was nice
Then everything was goin' my way in Memphis
My name was in lights
It was so cool just being away on my own
I was doing things I never had done
Then one day I said it’s time to be gone.
Chattanooga Choo Choo won’t you choochoo me home?
Vamp 1
My Chattanooga…oh, how I really, really miss you
You have so many great things to do
I just cant' wait to get back home to you
Oh, Chattanooga Choo Choo won’t you choochoo me home?
Vamp 2
Chattanooga, Tennessee!
A great place to visit, a great place to be,
With so many wonderful attractions and fun things to do,
And plenty of opportunity just waiting for you!
Chattanooga--"live, work, learn and play here!"
(Music instrument Piano and/or saxophone solos)
Chattanooga Choo Choo won’t you choochoo me home?
Chattanooga Choo Choo
Chattanooga Choo Choo won’t you choochoo me home?
Won’t you choo choo me home?
Chattanooga Choo Choo won’t you choochoo me home?
You know there’s no place home
Chattanooga Choo Choo won’t you…. Ch Ch…
Here’ we go....choochoo me home!
(Music Modulates up and Piano and/or saxophone solos)
Choochoo me home, Choochoo me home
Oh, oh, oh yes it’s true life changes things that we do
But that’s okay as long as I got YOU
Cause You make my day, so please hear me say
Because of You…it’s really been nice
Faithful and True it’s all about You
Because of You…it’s really been nice
And after all, I’m still having a ball (hold note on “ball” and big band topple down sound)
Because of You…it’s…. really been….
It’s been so really
It’s been really, really, really,
Ooo, It’s really been nice
It’s been so really, yeah
It’s been really, really, really,
Ooo, ooo, It’s been nice
(Repeat adding background vocals added in to HARMONY SATB parts) (Solist Ad lib)
It’s been so REALLY REALLY
It’s really been nice
Because of You, it’s been nice, it’s been nice, it’s been nice! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Solist Ad lib)
My Chattanooga, oh how I really, really love you!
My Chattanooga, oh how I really, really love you!
My Chattanooga, oh how I really, really love you!
My Chattanooga, oh how I really, really love you!
I love you!
I love you!